Friday, August 31, 2012

Ah, Pride, You're Back Again

This is my greatest downfall.


It has been for some time now. And it's very obnoxious, in my opinion. Pride is frustrating because it tends to rear its ugly head at the most inconvenient times. Just when we haven't given it a thought in a while, then we realize that it didn't ever go away. Maybe that's just me.

I don't realize that my pride gets in a funk until I can't handle it and just break down. I'll chalk it up to whatever is happening at the's this person, or that situation. But, in reality, it is just me. It is the sin that I live with every day. More often than not, my pride gets the better of me.

I have these built up expectations for myself and I have for quite some time. It's nothing new to me or the people who know me very well. I have high expectations for myself, because I know I'm capable to accomplish much...but only with Christ.

It's not just me on my own. I don't have the stability or the where with all to do any of it on my own. No, sirree. And yet, I forget that little part. I just do things. I tell myself I should be living some certain way or be doing some certain thing...then I get overwhelmed because I'm trying to accomplish it on my own. And, ever so gently, Jesus reminds me how much he loves me. He whispers to me how much he cares. He shows me his blessings in too many ways to count. Then picks me off my butt and walks with me along the road. He's got my back, every single time.

He's got your back, too.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The One To Remember

We always have a desire to be someone that people remember. Whether it is by what we do, or say, or how we live. People desire to be known and to be who they were created to be. Why do you think so many people succumb to the ways of the world? They are selfish because they desire to be known.

When we live in such a way that glorifies Christ, we are showing the world that we are different. We are being the change that the world needs. If it is on a small scale, then you are making a difference to the people around you. And if it is on a large scale, be careful it doesn't get to your head! :)

My point is that we want to be remembered. We want to be the difference. There is a song that the band Safe Haven is about to come out with called Blind. It is a song that talks about wanting to be the difference in the world. It is a great song and a great band! All of the guys are really awesome, so be sure to check it out! :) The idea is that we, as young people, desire to be remembered by the things that we do. But we also want to make a difference in this world. We want to fight injustices and stand out.

As Christians, we are called to do this. Jesus clearly talks about how we are to be lights to the world. He tells us in the word that it is not going to be easy but that we need to run to him for rest. He will give us the strength and peace to do what he has called us to do.

If you have that same desire to be remembered, live in a way that glorifies the King. He is the way that you will be remembered. You have gifts, talents and abilities that are unique to you. And you are the only person that will be remembered for the things you do and the way you live. But it stems only from a life lived with and for Christ.

What will be your legacy?
How will you be remembered?

Friday, August 24, 2012


It's a continual conversation. When I'm talking with someone and I have to leave, I tell them that the conversation is not over. That's how it is with Jesus...all the time. It is a continual conversation that is full of life...the deep things and the shallow things. It is a conversation that I never want to end because it fills me with life. It fills me with peace. It fills me with joy. It fills me with love. A love that is abounding, freely given and unconditional. A love that I completely and utterly do NOT understand, but am so incredibly grateful for, at the same time.

That is the God that we serve.

Jesus is our cornerstone. Last night, at college group, Paul was talking about Luke 20 and how it is talking about the capstone. When the Wailing Wall was being built, each stone had to be examined and fitted perfectly to one another. The flawed one that was not fit to be in the wall was used to be the cornerstone. The cornerstone or capstone was the strongest part of that wall.

"'The stone the builders rejected 
has become the capstone?
Everyone who falls on that stone will 
be broken to pieces,
but he on whom it falls
will be crushed."
 Luke 20:17b-18

We are broken people. When we give our lives to Jesus, we are crushed. It is a complete grinding destruction. We walk around broken, unable to be fixed. Unless, we lean on Christ. When we make the choice to follow Christ, we are allowing him to tell us how broken we are. We are giving him the permission to put the pieces back together. We are telling him that we cannot live life on our own. But that gives me hope. 

As I see my brokenness, every single day, I run to Jesus. He works in me and puts me back together. Just as things seem to be working and the brokenness dissipates, he shows me another area where I am broken. Then I run back to him, and ask for his divine intervention. There is always hope, because we don't have to live on our own. We don't have to fix our problems. God will take care of it, if you trust.  

We may always be in a broken state, but God is the glue that can put us back together and make us better than before. In our brokenness, God reveals his beauty. Your brokenness is beautiful. 

Embrace it, 
don't run from it. 
He is with you.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just DO

Our society focuses so much on what we do. 
It's always what people are DOING! 
When we search for a job,
we list our experiences and we've DONE.
That is what gives us an edge on everyone else. 
When we are first introduced to someone,
we ask them what they are doing. 
Are they in school?
Where do they work?
We are impressed with what they do

Don't get me wrong, 
I want to DO great things. 
But I want to known for more than what I do.
I want to be known for

So, who are you?
What gives you value? 
How do you define yourself?
Is it by what you do?
Do you think your value lies in what you can do?
Cause the truth is, it doesn't. 

Your value.
My value.
Our value. 
Is in Christ alone.

For it is by grace that you have been saved, 
through faith -- and this is not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God --
not by works, so that no one can boast. 
Ephesians 2:8-9

Sunday, August 19, 2012


I've been back a week a day, by now. I'm home. I am safe and busy...again. Which, if you know me, is not surprising. I haven't stopped this week. And it has been a whirlwind of emotions. I've seen God provide in incredible ways. I've seen his hand be on my life. It is a beautiful thing.

What I've also recognized is what I am created to do.

That reality has set in. For all of my life, I have wanted to fight injustice. I want to see people rescued from pain, hurt, and agony. This week though, God showed me something even greater than wanting to do it...He showed me that I have to do it. I have to fight injustices in the world. Otherwise, I am not living out my purpose.

I have also recognized another purpose in my life. It is to mentor and encourage young women. As I was explaining this to a couple of my pastors, I got teary eyed and started sobbing right there. I was so moved by the passion that I have to do this, that I couldn't contain it anymore.

These are both things that I have to do. They are not optional. My passion for them is constant. It is fueled only by the King.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

People forget that they MATTER

...As I listened to her, all I wanted to do was shake her and tell her that she mattered. She's valuable. She is good enough. She is worth more than anything else in the world. She is loved. She is cared for. She is beautiful...

The world doesn't tell her any of those things. But Jesus does.

The other day, I listened to a horrendous story about a young boy who was abused as a child. His father would lock him in the garage...this went on for 11 years. He now has paranoid schizophrenia. His father paid people off so he wouldn't get in trouble.

When did money become more important to people?

Money IS NOT more important than people. People are why we are on this earth. We are here to build relationship with PEOPLE. Not money.

God values you.

Do you value the people in your life? 
If you do, tell them. 
It makes a difference.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Would Yours?

Do you know that point of exhaustion? The point where it's not just's emotionally, mentally and spiritually? I think I've gotten there.

It's just been recently. I definitely rested and relaxed while I was in Northern Ireland. But I'm tired.

I think the kewlest part is how much I see Jesus in all of it. I literally don't know where I would be without him. I've been battling so many lies during this trip. I have loved every moment of it, because it means God is at work in me and through me. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!

The two songs that have been stuck in my head are Forever Reign and Stronger by Hillsong. I love the music, the lyrics and the passion within the singers singing them. It's empowering. I feel so much strength from the truths sung in these songs.

One of the verses that has been an encouragement to my heart is in Psalm 148.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
 for I have put my trust in you. 
Show me the way I should go, 
for to you I entrust my life. 
Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, 
for I hide myself in you. 
Teach me to do your will, 
for you are my God; 
may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.  
Psalm 148:8-10

I don't know about you, but if I began every day with these words on my lips and in my heart, things would be different. Would yours?

Monday, August 6, 2012


I just want to be able to write what is going on in head. But I can't even type right. There is so much going on, and I'm not even at home right now. I guess that makes sense, but it doesn't. My brain is overloaded. When that happens, I can't sleep. Guess who hasn't been sleeping well for a month? Yes, this girl *points to self*
I wish I could think of a kewl analogy to put in right here. But I already told you, my brain doesn't work.

All day long I've been receiving emails about the first test we took in one of my summer classes. This girl has beef with the teacher because our teacher set up something wrong for the first test. So basically, we didn't have enough time to take the test. It's the whole ordeal, and it's stupid, in my opinion. I didn't do terrible on the test. The teacher gave us all 5 pts. extra and I think that is sufficient.
There are children who didn't get to eat today. But this girl thinks it's more important that she gets a good grade.
I get that grades are important. And I try to keep my grades high. But really, some things in life are just not worth wasting time on.

I feel like, in our society, very few understand the value of a person. There is little thought about what people like, or how they feel or what is going on in their lives. Every single day I am struck by how people live. I love getting to hear people's stories. I love hearing about their adventures, sadness, joy and everything in between. But too often, we forget that that is why we were put on this earth. We are here for relationship.

I have had friendships that have ended and I didn't think there would be any restoration. That has been proven wrong only a few times. But this week, I've seen it.

God has an incredibly awesome plan for my life. I see it unfold all day, every day. It's overwhelming, at times. But it shows the abundant love and grace that God showers on me.

He has an amazing plan for you, as well. A plan that you can never know. A plan that takes shape in ways that you might not realize. But it is there. And God is directing it.

When he is in charge, it goes exactly according to his plan. So trust him. He knows what he's doing.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Another day, another dollar.
It's just a cliche.
What I think is more appropriate, is
Another day, another experience.

Everyday is filled with new experiences. Sometimes it is the most mundane things that we do in our day, but it has never happened that way and never will again. Life is like that. It throws things at you that you would never expect. That's just like God though. He is always doing things that I expect to happen even with the crazy life that I have. There are constantly things that God just allows to happen and I'm like, "Oh, alright, kewl." What else can we do? Just take it for what it is worth and move on.

This whole trip has been like that. I'm on my final week of traveling and to say I'm exhausted is a severe understatement. I'm ready to be home. But at the same time, I am so glad to be here with my beautiful friend Sarah, on the week of her wedding.

One major thing that I realized that God has been teaching me is about how he has blessed me. Every point in this trip he has shown me his goodness, faithfulness and love. But even more so, he has shown me how he has so richly blessed me in ways that I forget about and take for granted.

I have an incredible family that is caring, loving and so much fun.
I have the best bosses at the church.
I have awesome coworkers.
I have a running car.
I have phenomenal friends.
I have mega sweet Superman stuff.
I have a cell phone that I love.
I get the opportunity to travel.
And most importantly, I have Jesus.

These are just a few things that I know God has blessed me with, there are so many more. But what I tend to forget is how good I have it. As people, and as Americans, we are constantly looking for the next great thing. We are quick consumers. And we forget about the blessings we have. In Northern Ireland, I definitely gained perspective. I take so much of my life for granted, cause that is just how it has been.

The reality is, we need to thank God for the blessings he has given us. 
We need to thank him for the trials, because they develop perseverance. 
We need to thank him for our friends. 
We need to thank him for our families. 
Even a midst the craziness, there are things we can thank him for. 
My challenge to you is to thank God for the blessings in your life. 
If it is as simple as breathing, thank him for that. 
Cause you're still living.