Sunday, September 5, 2010


oh MAN! I heard this insane talk tonight about idols.
The guy preaching was going over Daniel 3 about how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace. I can't begin to tell you how insane it was. He started off by giving us tons of background of the context and everything. And the fact that God wants us to be on fire for him! When we are, it's contagious to the people around us.
And how we, as humans, make anything an idol. Even when we think we haven't, if it is before God then we have made it something we're worshiping. Really take a look at your life and see if this is an issue for you. Are you putting anything before God? If your answer is yes, then you have an idol. The God we serve is a jealous God. He says in his commandments NOT to have ANY idols before. He wants all of you, every last part, and when you won't give everything to him he is jealous! Some things you know you haven't given to God completely and they are becoming an idol to you, and others you know that you're holding onto them too tightly and something needs to change.
So, whats yours?