Rhythm: an ordered recurrent alternation of strong and weak elements in the flow of sound and silence in speech
Balance: stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis
Music. Tight rope walkers. Justice. Dancing. Keeping time. Unison. Gymnastics.
There are about a billion other things I'm sure you can think of when you hear the two words rhythm and balance together. But those are the ones that come to my mind. At college group on Thursday we went through the first chapter of Genesis. I know what you're thinking, oh Genesis...yay, what a great beginning. Then you move one. Well, honestly, that's what I think about it as well. It never really moved me the way the beginning of say, a movie, would. It's a start to the world as it is. But unlike the history of the world, I don't think of it like history. A story of the past. I think of it of another time. Another place, long ago, with very little relevance to me. But my college pastor's wife was saying that the way God created things is about rhythm and balance. She went on to explain more about how God intended us to be balanced and rhythmic, but we, as humans, are not.
And of course, this got me thinking. She asked us what reading that passage was like for us, if there was anything that popped out at us when we heard it read and had the perspective of God creating a rhythm and balance. You know what I thought...boring. Having rhythm and balance sounds uninteresting. I'm just being honest here, so bare with me. I continued on this train of thought for a while. What it would be like to be in complete rhythm and balance in our lives. No emotional highs or lows, no drama, steady, and outright boring. But truly, what do I know? My life is hardly rhythmic or balanced. I like it that way. There are highs and lows and they bring me closer to my King every single moment of every day. How could that be the case if there was perfect rhythm and balance every day. But then I understood that I missed the point. God intended for us to look to him to be the rhythm and balance in our life. Now granted, this was only the first time that she'd spoken on this topic and we have weeks yet to come. Then I kept thinking about how opposites attract, whether it be in relationships or friendships. Those opposites attract because we DESIRE to have rhythm and balance. Think about it.
How often to do think of yourself wanting that?
How often do you think God wants you to run to Him for that?
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