Thursday, May 12, 2011

Little Things He Does For Me

I guess sometimes I just don't know why I believe the things I believe, or why I think the things I think...

But today, this quote hit me, in the gut, in the heart, right where it made me understand why I hate lying. 

"The worst thing 
about being lied to
is knowing that you 
weren't worth the truth."

My hope is that I'll make a mark here. I don't want that mark to be for me, for my glory, no, I want it to be for His. His glory alone. I want God to use me in such a way that I know is not of myself. God is able to us beyond anything else that we think is possible. But with God, anything is possible. Anything. 

For example, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was going to get a B in this one class I had this semester. I knew it as soon as I left the class after my final. I was gonna get a B. And I was gonna have to be okay with it. I just kept remembering that it's not about WHAT I do, it's about WHO I am in Christ. My grades, my performance doesn't matter. It just doesn't. It's about living in His grace. My identity does not lie in the things that I do. My heart behind it is so much more important. I checked my grade later that day. You know what? I got an A in the class. Impossible in my mind. Literally, impossible. But it happened. I got an A. Only by the grace of God. Honestly, I don't think I deserve it. I could've worked so much harder in that class. Yet, God, in His amazing grace, chose to bless me, with an A. It may sound silly to you, but that's how I needed to know this. That's how God knew He could get through to me. He knew. And He knew I would listen. 

It amazes me that He is so gracious. That He takes the time to show us the things we need in the way that He knows we need it. Why? Beats me. But He does. He desires that! 

You're probably thinking, "What the what?!?!" Right. I know. I think the same thing. 

That's just another testament to the grace of our King. 

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