Maybe it's not just that. But that is what I will blame for [now.]
It's almost 2014.
It's a time for reflection.
It's a time to be reminded of love.
Love that is
What gets me is the way people are moved by tragedy. It's the details, the story, and the emotions of it all. There is no simple way to deal with tragedy. If you deal with it right away, then you begin moving forward. If you stuff it away, it could stunt your emotional growth. I'm moved by tragedy. It makez me think, ponder, and hope that it is not the end. But more than all of that, it draws me closer to my Savior. He is the only hope. He is the only one with the strength to help pull us through. Lean on Him, for everything.
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JJ Heller |
There are glimpses of vulnerability.
They tend to be few and far between with people. Especially, those who are closed off and have a hard time trusting. People who have an easy time sharing their heart, it usually comes in glimpses. You see it for a second, maybe a minute, then it is gone.
It is so beautiful. God intended for us to share our hearts with others. It is a privilege to know the heart of a person. We were all created to have emotion.
On Thursday, I sat down with a missionary friend of my parents. I knew him when I was younger. Before I turned 13, he left the church to become a pastor elsewhere. As we talked, I saw a glimpse of his heart, his passion and his purpose. His name is Chris and he is the Director of Missions. He works with an organization called Go To Nations. Their mission is to go to all of the nations.
He showed me a slide show that his wife put together. It is a short presentation about what human trafficking is; there were statistics and facts. Some I knew, some were new to me. But the pivotal moment was hearing the story of one woman. He knew her name, her story and her imprisonment. She was a slave, left by her owner at the prison. As he told me her story, he began to cry. This man risks his life on a regular basis, but he sat before me and cried. They weren't big tears, it was a soft tearful remembrance of this woman that he couldn't help. This man was showing me, allowing me, to see his heart. In that moment, I knew what Jesus looked like when he wept. I saw the heart of Jesus in this man. It was an honor and a privilege. It is a memory I will never forget.
Jesus has a heart for the poor and the needy, the bruised and the broken. He has asked us to have that same heart. Chris's heart exemplified Christ in a way I have never seen. Jesus desires for all of us to feel that way. He wants us to help, to build relationship, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
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real life |
I cried tonight.
I sat at Dairy Queen, eating my blizzard, explaining to my brother what Thailand was like for me.
And I just cried.
For the first time, I put it into words.
I relived moments.
I saw those memories vividly.
I saw those faces, some smiling, some hollow.
I couldn't stop.
When you are wrapped up in a story, it doesn't matter what's going on around you.
It was the first time I cried because of what I saw.
My brother knew that I needed to cry.
He listened to my story. My feelings. My words.
He understood why I was crying.
My heart is utterly broken for the brokenness in the women and children I saw.
It lies in shambles.
I have a lot of praying and processing to do still.
But it has begun.
Today we spent some of the day with Annie Dieselberg at the NightLight headquarters and the other parts we spent with Matt Parker who is with The Exodus Road.
Southeast Asia is a beautiful place. We spent the vast majority of it seeing the city and hearing stats/stories about trafficking. It was heart wrenching to hear, but even more to see the night life. All I did was walk by the bars. But it was enough for me. I knew I couldn't handle it.
These women and men are so broken. Most people have trouble understanding that these men are hurting just like the women. Maybe not in the same way, but hurting nonetheless.
Pray for this place.
Pray for this people.
Pray for the team.
It feels surreal.
But it is finally here.
Today is the day.
Thailand, here we come.
So many emotions.
So much excitement.
Knowing that God is in it.
God is moving.
It is not my story, but His.
-Safe Travels
-Protect each of the team and the organizations from the enemy
-Unity on the team
-Direction for our pastor
-Divine appointments
-focus on the trip
-free of distractions
-God to move in ways that we have never seen
-get better. I'm sick