Thursday, August 23, 2012

Just DO

Our society focuses so much on what we do. 
It's always what people are DOING! 
When we search for a job,
we list our experiences and we've DONE.
That is what gives us an edge on everyone else. 
When we are first introduced to someone,
we ask them what they are doing. 
Are they in school?
Where do they work?
We are impressed with what they do

Don't get me wrong, 
I want to DO great things. 
But I want to known for more than what I do.
I want to be known for

So, who are you?
What gives you value? 
How do you define yourself?
Is it by what you do?
Do you think your value lies in what you can do?
Cause the truth is, it doesn't. 

Your value.
My value.
Our value. 
Is in Christ alone.

For it is by grace that you have been saved, 
through faith -- and this is not from yourselves,
it is the gift of God --
not by works, so that no one can boast. 
Ephesians 2:8-9

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