Friday, August 31, 2012

Ah, Pride, You're Back Again

This is my greatest downfall.


It has been for some time now. And it's very obnoxious, in my opinion. Pride is frustrating because it tends to rear its ugly head at the most inconvenient times. Just when we haven't given it a thought in a while, then we realize that it didn't ever go away. Maybe that's just me.

I don't realize that my pride gets in a funk until I can't handle it and just break down. I'll chalk it up to whatever is happening at the's this person, or that situation. But, in reality, it is just me. It is the sin that I live with every day. More often than not, my pride gets the better of me.

I have these built up expectations for myself and I have for quite some time. It's nothing new to me or the people who know me very well. I have high expectations for myself, because I know I'm capable to accomplish much...but only with Christ.

It's not just me on my own. I don't have the stability or the where with all to do any of it on my own. No, sirree. And yet, I forget that little part. I just do things. I tell myself I should be living some certain way or be doing some certain thing...then I get overwhelmed because I'm trying to accomplish it on my own. And, ever so gently, Jesus reminds me how much he loves me. He whispers to me how much he cares. He shows me his blessings in too many ways to count. Then picks me off my butt and walks with me along the road. He's got my back, every single time.

He's got your back, too.

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