Saturday, July 7, 2012

Second Day

Welp, I am here in Northern Ireland. I was traveling for over 24 hours and in the same outfit for longer than that. It was so great. We got to the Vineyard Centre at 11am. Kristen and I got to hang out with some of the mom's at Parents and Toddlers then moved furniture for the brunch that we're having for church on Sunday. When I got to sleep, I slept for about 12 hours. I'm pretty sure that I'll get used to this time zone soon :)

God has been so good. If you've been following my trip, I posted about my First Fears the other day. It's been really kewl to see how God provides in the smallest of ways. Why, just this morning, I was sitting at Lurgan Park on a bench looking over the water. I loved getting to sit with Jesus and talk to him about my fears, excitements and joys. He just spoke to my heart on so many levels. This place is so wonderful; it's overcast, cold and green. I was watching the birds as I sat by the lake and I saw this one pigeon that was closer to me. He was puffing his feathers up and looking different than the rest of the pigeons. God just spoke to me in that moment. He told me that just like that bird, we as Christians are supposed to live that way. We are called to live in a way that people look at and question. Christ asks us to obey him with faith. I am so blessed to have a God that gives me the faith to obey him.

It's the little things in life that makes my walk with him exciting. This morning, Kristen and I couldn't remember how to get back to Cathy's house as we were walking and we asked God to show us the way. We were coming to a crossroads and we looked to the right and it was a cul-de-sac. Call me crazy, but to me, that was God. We knew which way to go. Sitting by the lake and getting to spend time with my King was just what I needed. I've tried to not expect anything on this trip. I want to be open to whatever God has for me. Each day so far has been just that. And it's only the second day. I see God shining in every moment with the people around me. Just the conversation that I've gotten to have with Kristen has been encouraging and uplifting. That is a beautiful display of God's graciousness.

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