Monday, July 16, 2012


Kristen's favorite little spot
Maybe that it's overcast.
Maybe it's that I just think too much.
Maybe it's cause God is doing a lot in me.

I think I'll go with the last reason. :)

The picture on your right is a little spot that Kristen pointed out to me right outside the Vineyard Centre. When you sit with your back against the tree, all you see is this. It's a vast field that's quite over grown.

The field is like the possibilities before me. I don't claim to be great at everything, but due to the opportunities God has blessed me with, I've done a number of different things. When I think about what is next, I often wonder what the next part of journey holds. Is it working with students? Is it getting a career job after I graduate? Is it randomly coming across a ton of money and not having to worry about money? I hope it is. But honestly, I have no clue. If you ask me what I'll be doing in three months, I will tell you that I don't know. And I can guarantee you that if you ask me in three months if I thought I'd be doing what I am doing, I'll tell you no. My dream and what God will do goes hand in hand. What is scary is the unknown.

Too often I see people choose to live safely because of their fear. What gets me is the people who think they have no fear...usually they have the most. I'll own up to it and tell you I have my own fears. But what I know is that God does not want us to live in fear. He says that perfect love casts out fear (1John 4:18).

The biggest thing I see God teaching me is how to live. Live with Him. The God of the Universe, who sent his son to die on the cross for MY sins and YOUR sins is right next to us. He is with us 24/7/365. That God that I serve is greater than anything else. When I fear, I tell him that He isn't enough. But more than that, I choose not to trust Him, I choose not to have faith that He is and always will be FAITHFUL.

THAT, my friends, is the challenge. Are you willing to die to yourself everyday and choose to trust? Trust God and let fear slip away. I will take up that challenge. And I pray that you will do the same. God is greater than we are. He is majestic and powerful. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. What do we have to fear? Nothing. :)

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