When I think of discipleship, I think of it as walking along side another person through thick and thin and pushing them to Jesus. It's a relationship where you may have to say some hard stuff, and hope that they hear Jesus saying it and not you. But it is also a relationship where God can do amazing things to grow you.
Read this with me.
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus commands us to go and make disciples. He tells us to walk with people through life. He says to encourage them. And when your strength isn't enough, He is with you, always. What a powerful promise.
A couple weeks ago I went to summer camp with my junior highers. Over this past year, I've gotten to know these kids and invest in them. I've seen them go through some tough stuff, and I've seen them seek Jesus. As one of their leaders, it's an honor and privilege to see them develop their relationship with Jesus. On the last night of camp, I got to be a part of the girls recommitting their lives to Christ. They stood up and told the room and each other that they wanted to live for something greater than themselves. I'm not gonna lie, I totally lost it. I sobbed the entire time that we prayed for one another. I just can't explain to you how much love I have for those kids. Each of them have incredible talents, great attitudes and a love for Jesus.
Discipleship means that you get to be a part of someone else's story. You get put aside your life, and love on someone else. Jesus calls us to invest in people, to love on each other and to encourage one another in Christ. If you aren't being discipled or making disciples, I want to encourage you to do so. The impact that God can have on your life is tremendous. The impact that God can have on the other person's life is incredible.
So much of the time we live selfishly in this world. Society tells us to do that. I want to challenge you to live differently. Those kids have no idea the impact that they've made on my life. Honestly, I doubt they will ever know. And I will never know how God used me in their lives. Regardless, we're put on earth for relationship. Relationship with Jesus and with others. Find someone to disciple, find someone that you can disciple. Even if it is a sibling. They look up to you. They want to be like you. Give someone the same love, grace and patience that God has given to you.
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