Saturday, July 16, 2011


A long time ago, I was talking with a friend about worship. We were comparing the type of worship we had at our churches; he sang hymns and I sang contemporary songs. He said it wasn't about the music, worship was about the heart. In my naive state of mind, I thought he was wrong. Ever since then, I've been striving for that to be my worship. It's not just about the music or the way it's played. It's the words that we sing.

There have been so many times during the praise and worship time at church, or college group or whatever that I just don't seem to get into the songs. But when I look outside of myself and just bask in the glory of Jesus, my heart isn't focused on anything besides him. And that's what worshiping is to me. Letting everything around me become invisible, and just sitting with my Savior. My eyes aren't looking around at other people, they are set on Jesus. Nothing else in the world matters at that moment.

That worship is is something I've had to learn. It wasn't taught to me, it was spoken, all those years ago, from a young man who simply knew how to worship. His worship impacted my life, even though he'll probably never know that.

Sing to the Lord, you saints of his; praise his holy name. 
Psalm 30:4

Every action, every thought, every thing, needs to be surrendered to Him. Worship is a lifestyle. It's choosing to not say something just because you want people to like you. It's making the choice to take every thought captive. It's choosing to love people when you don't want to. It's choosing to not scream at the driver that just cut you off. It's choosing to care, even when you don't feel cared for. Worship can be one of the most amazing things. If you allow yourself to fall away. To worship. But that looks different for each person. I encourage you to seek after God and find out what worship looks like for you. 

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