Saturday, July 9, 2011

Here comes....Satan?

Well, there ya have it. Satan is at it again. Every time things seem to be looking up, he wants them to keep looking back down. The funny thing is, I can't even pinpoint the real issue here. I know all of the things he's poking at are just symptoms of a deeper issue. Too bad I don't know yet. Good thing God does.

I really don't understand why the week has been so rough. It started off fine enough. It's the week of school starting, the Basileia dance performance, and Monday was even a holiday. I was actually excited about it. CRASH! My excited faded as my week went from good to sour in literally an instant. I'm sure you don't want to hear about the horribleness of it, so instead I shall share with you the awesome things about it. I know, I know, my optimism is wonderful :)

But really. Let me tell you how God moved.

Monday I got to spend time with my family, which I haven't done in some time. I also got to eat eggies and tortillas, which is one of my favorite meals. It's a Lee family thing.
Tuesday I had off. I looked over my class stuff, since I'm taking it online. And I kinda freaked out. Okay, not really kinda. I majorly freaked out. But, because of that freak out I got to see my favorite mentor and her kids. Those kids are joy from God himself to me. I kid you not.
Wednesday rehearsals begin. Only 2 hours that day. Nothing particularly bad had happened that day, I was just tired already and it was hot.

I could go on but I'm getting bored reading this as I type it, which means I've probably put some of you to sleep. First, let me tell you a story. I'm prayer partners with one of the girls in the dance company and we agreed to pray every time before rehearsals this week. Let me interject for a moment and tell you that this has not been a "I want to love people" week. Anyways, Thursday rolls around and I have a headache. I asked her to pray for me. But she doesn't pray out loud. I knew this fact, yet I still asked her to pray. We talked for a couple minutes, and she fought it, of course. But she eventually gave in. And it wasn't just a 2 sentence prayer. She went on for like 8 sentences. This from the girl who says she doesn't pray out loud. I couldn't believe it. I was so proud of her. You don't even know. Even in my brokeness and wretched horrible humanness, God used me. It blows my mind. I still don't think he should be using me, but he did. He uses the weak. He humbled me. I am yours, Father. In the lowest of lows, he is my strength, my all, my love.

Thank you, Father. Amen.

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