Monday, July 29, 2013

Journey With Me

I've been alive for 23 years now. I don't remember what it was like to be a tiny human until the age of 5ish. One of my very first memories is laying in bed and across the room, my sister was laying on her bed. We whispered back and forth, but were soon told to go to sleep by my mother. I remember wondering what life would be like when I was older, as I drifted off to slumber-land.

In September, I start the program for my Lay Counseling Certificate. I have been preparing for it by reading the book assigned and reflecting on the content. The book is called, To Be Told, and it is written by Dan Allender. So much of this book is about {my story}. It's about coming to grips with the God-breathed story I have been living. But it also delves deep into my hurts, pains, anguish, and tragedy. I'm not one for the dramatics. I am very in-touch with my emotions. This allows me to feel deeply, in pretty much any situation, whether it is about me or someone else.

As I have been reading this book, those same deep emotions have been tapped into, exposed and left in the open. Which is incredibly painful. Along with all of these emotions, it seems that Satan is trying to come at me with every possible distraction. It has taken everything in me not to just scream my head off! I know that God is good. I know that this path is unknown, but it will be so worth it in the end.

{I want to invite you on this journey with me.} 
God is moving in my heart, my mind,
and all throughout my life. 
It is overwhelming.
It is unfamiliar. 
It is exhilarating. 
It is God-breathed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

One Short Thought

What gets me is the way people are moved by tragedy. It's the details, the story, and the emotions of it all. There is no simple way to deal with tragedy. If you deal with it right away, then you begin moving forward. If you stuff it away, it could stunt your emotional growth. I'm moved by tragedy. It makez me think, ponder, and hope that it is not the end. But more than all of that, it draws me closer to my Savior. He is the only hope. He is the only one with the strength to help pull us through. Lean on Him, for everything.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Burn in My Soul

Have you ever felt that you needed to do something so deep in your soul that you know nothing can ever stop you?

For some reason, that is happening to me again. This is not the first time.

I'll let you in on a little secret, I was the little kid who played sports so passionately that the other kids would get angry with me. When I was in 6th grade, I played on an all-girls basketball team. The girls would all complain that I would play too aggressively. I was just passionate the game. I wanted to win. I HAD to win. You might think I'm too competitive, but I'm not. I had a passion for the sport.

People still tell me that I'm passionate about things. To this day, when I go on a rant and start talking about Jesus, I get so worked up that I laugh and move around like a crazy person.

God has been showing me so much about myself. The way I'm wired. The things that make me tick, the things that I cry about and the things that will move me to take action.

These past few months, God has been reigniting the passion that I have had since I was a young lady in high school. It was something that I never thought would be a defining role in my life. And yet, here it is.

I must work with young women. 
I need to show them they are valuable. 
I need them to know they are loved,
they are cared for,
they are understood. 

I don't claim to know everything about life. I really don't know much about it, but I do know that each young woman is unique, loved and valued beyond words. My mission is to show that to every young woman I come in contact with. That is what I shall do. 

But it does not stop there. It continues with writing books, speaking and telling the world that they can't keep us down! The insecurity, pain, brokenness and trauma that every young woman has experienced does not need to be kept in the dark. It needs to be dealt with! It needs to be talked about! God wants those things to be out in the open so that he can walk with us through those things. 

PHEW! I had to get that out. There is more and more that God is doing. He has been working in this since I got back from Thailand. I know that going to school will only increase my passion in this, because I will be discovering my story and working through it. I want the same for every young lady I meet.