Saturday, February 4, 2012

Does it Matter?

Our topic in college group has been social justice. We've talked about the poor, poverty, abortion, and slavery. Honestly, it is utterly overwhelming. I feel bogged down by the vastness of things that need to be done to combat the injustice happening around the world. I feel like a little ant on the ground that can't do anything. Fortunately, I know that as an individual, I can stand up and others will stand with me. We can make a difference.

Worry, anxiety, frustration, anger, bitterness and so many more, threaten our livelihood. I catch myself throughout the day worrying about something or planning ahead. What does it matter? There are children who haven't eaten today.

The plan didn't work out. I'm frustrated. What does it matter? Slaves are being worked to the bone today.

I don't know the right answer. I have no words to say. It doesn't matter. Some homeless people didn't get lunch today.

When you are dealing with stuff, ask yourself if it really matters. Cause most likely, it doesn't. We live a rich life in comparison to most. Whenever I start worrying, I remind myself that it doesn't matter. It simply doesn't matter.

What matters is ridding this world of injustice.
How did you do that today?

Perspective changes everything.

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