Saturday, June 25, 2011

Most Important

The most important relationship in your life is you and God.

[I know I may talk about relationship a lot but it's because it is something so near and dear to my heart that I can't help but talk about it. So forgive me, now keep reading]

The most important relationship we can have is with Jesus, our Father, our Savior. But even when that isn't the most important in our mind, he is STILL faithful! It just amazes me how much God seeks us and loves each one of us. I can't help but be grateful for the faithfulness he shows us constantly.

It's the father/child relationship that God has instilled into us as humans. We need that.
"...the basic common denominator inherent in all relationships is man's relationship to God, the father/child relationship...that was lost at the fall."
-Be Transformed, Lesson 4

"For a child of God to know God as Father brings that child into such intimacy with God, producing such worship of God and service for God..."
-Be Transformed, Lesson 4

It is not about MY failings, it is about HIS faithfulness. It is not about MY insecurities, it is about HIS security. It is not about MY faults, it is about HIS perfection. It is not about MY Godliness, it's about HIM. Him. God. My love. My hearts desire.

That's what relationship looks like. God is never absent. He is ALWAYS around. He gives love unselfishly. He eagerly desires to serve us. But more than that, He is our Father. When we look at our relationship with God as a father/child relationship, we are able to grasp and the intimacy we can have with Him. If we look at His attributes alone, it is a sterile, non-emotional relationship. We live by rules and regulations; we live by what we should do out of duty. He wants us to live out our walk with him out of love, devotion, and worship to Him.


Sometimes we feel judged, not respected, and put down. Who are you to judge anyone's relationship with God? That is between them and God. Who am I to judge? No one. We do not get that privilege. If we did, we would have to come up with the difference between right and wrong. We'd be taking on the entire world and saying that our view on life is right and everyone else has a wrong view. We would try to take on the role of God. Personally, I don't want that. I get so fed up with the world and people sometimes that I just want to run. Just go and be with God. Not have to work or to do anything. I definitely do not want to be God. But I want to serve Him. To worship Him. To do His will. To seek Him. To know Him. And ya know what, God desires us to know Him. Yeah, it's kind of a big deal.

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." 
Luke 6:37

"If anyone hears my words, but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it."
John 12:47

"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. "
Luke 19:10

How can we not live in grace? Everything around us is trying to pull us down. We are on earth. But this is not our home. Our home is heaven. This time, right now, the present, has given to us as a gift to show those around us His love. We are to live in such a way that is glorifying to our King. But be careful, seek His wisdom. Do not bogged down with the "should's." Do what you know God is asking you to do. Be confident in that freedom He gave us when He sent His son.

My friends, go out into the world and preach the good news. Be a dynamic expression of Jesus. For that is who you were created to be.

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