Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Story

We each have a story. A story that is filled with mistakes, joys, adventures, laughs, disappointments, pain, heartache, love, hate, anguish, sadness, peace, comfort, security and so much more. Each persons story is significant to them, even if they've forgotten certain parts, or decided to live in the moment. Regardless, every person has a unique story that is simply their own. No one else can copy it or truly live anyone else's story. And most of the time, no one will ever fully be able to understand another person's story. The only exception to that rule is Christ.

But, when you genuinely care about their story, they might just let you in. At first, you may just be listening to their story; seeing it from their perspective. Then you might start to understand their story and how they became like they are today. Next you'll become a part of their story and if you're lucky, you'll get to start living that story with them. And your story will be in theirs and vice versa.

Part of what Jesus does is he lives our story along side of us. Just like any relationship though, you have to let him be a part of it. You have to allow him to hear you. The great thing about God is that he knows everything that has ever happened, everything that ever will happen and all the things happening right now. He doesn't need time to process your story, or understand where you've been and how you got to where you are. He isn't judgmental or rude. He is always caring, always there and always listening. God has designed us to desire to be a part of other people's stories. It's not a maybe thing, it's a gonna happen thing. Being a part of someone's story is exhilarating and new and full of someone else.

What I'm getting to is that living in another person's story is selfless. It's real. It's authentic. It's humbling. It's laying down your life for another. And that is what God has intended marriage to be. Now I can't say from experience, but what God has been showing me is that when you allow yourself to choose to love another person, you are committing one hundred and ten percent of who you are to that person. That encompasses every emotion, every desire, every hurt, every joy that you have, you are laying down and saying that they are more important. And you are willing to put aside all of those things for that person. But he has also shown me that that person, when they are equally yoked, WILL do the same. No if's, and's, or but's. That is just the way it is.

I don't know how I'm gonna get to that place, but I will pray from now on that God show's me exactly how to do that, because my husband deserves nothing less than that. My unconditional love that I choose to give him every day of my life.

So I encourage you, if you are in a relationship, or thinking about having one, pray about this for yourself. Because your heart is too special to let anyone, besides your future spouse, have.

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