Tuesday, November 9, 2010


How beautiful emotions can be. The ones that are happy, inspiring, lovely and make you feel like you can do anything. And then are the opposite, sadness, depression, apathy and all the rest we feel.
Emotions can be dangerous things. It is so easy to be swept up in the emotions of life. To feel things and let those feelings be the guiding light that you follow blindly. There are so many ways that we can be emotional and not be emotional at the same time. Someone once told me that it's okay to show emotion. It's okay to let them come out and be out in the open. But having emotions shows your vulnerability. It shows that you're human, that you can't do things on your own, and that you ARE NOT in control. I know, it's a crazy concept. For some reason, I had felt like I couldn't show emotion or be emotional cause I had to have it all together. I had to look like I could handle everything. And let me tell ya, it was hard at first. Espeically because I've always been an emotional person. You know when I'm happy, sad, frustrated, irritated, joyful, inspired, deep and every other emotion under the sun, because I wear it on my sleeve. Yup, you guessed it. My whole life I've been told that it's good to show emotion, but you also need to know how to show emotion.
God has given us emotions to glorify Him. He tells us to "rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn." He tells us to worship him and praise his name. He tells us to be joyful and love those around us. Our God is a God full of emotion! He says to fear him!
So how can we, as humans, say that we should have emotions, we shouldn't feel?!
Surely NOT!
Be emotional, but in keep Christ in mind. How does your emotion glorify him? For he is truly the God of our emotions :)

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