Saturday, March 24, 2012


What beautiful moments on beautiful days filled with the God that I truly adore.
How marvelous is His love and how sacred is His name.
Holy Father.
Move me.
Move us.
Move this nation and this world.
Bring us to our knees.
Show us your mercy, grace and love.
Let us fear your name.

Oh Father, reveal to us more of you. More of your spirit, your wisdom, your joy, your love, your grace, you self-control, your desires, your heart.

I've been asked a few times how my week has been. And I can't truly give anyone a solid answer. Mostly, because I haven't had enough time to think about it. This week has been crazy. God has provided. He has given me strength. He has revealed his desires for me TO me. He has allowed me to celebrate with friends. He has built community in my church this week. He has allowed the bonding of friends to occur. He has given me encouragement through friends and family. He has allowed me to be sad with those who are sad. He has shown me the pain of life. He has shown me the glory of His life.

On Sunday, Paul Gunther spoke at church. And the things that God gave him to say were incredibly inspiring. What was also amazing, was the rain. It rained for two days over the weekend. It was so refreshing and rejuvenating to my soul. Back to Sunday morning, I went to the 8am service, where I was still trying to wake up. The week before that had been busy and I had just been wondering what God wanted for me and from me. But I love when Paul speaks because he goes off in tangents, and he makes it very practical. He was talking about James 5:1-11. (Read the passage! It's a good one!) He was talking about how the the farmers back in those days needed rain. Most of the time, we associate rain with dark and storm-like days. But when the rain came, the farmers saw it as a blessing because that is how they made their livelihood. The rain may seem sad to some, but it's your perspective of the rain that makes in beautiful. I love the rain. For me, it's God saying that everything is going to be okay. On Sunday, I needed that from God. More so, I needed to hear that as I wait for what is next, I need to get ready. If you read my last post, you know that I've been struggling with the waiting to do something. This was my answer.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Cell Phones

My phone dies, ALL THE STINKIN TIME. It's seriously one of the most annoying things on the planet. I talk on the stupid thing for 15 minutes and it dies. But it has taught me some quite valuable lessons. My phone isn't that important. Yes, it connects me to people all over Arizona and even throughout the country. But it is not my life line. God is. I know, super cheesy. Really though, when I don't have a phone, it allows me to be more conscious about interceding for people. I'm constantly talking to God about the people I can't call. It pushes me to spend quality time with those around me and not worry so much about connecting with someone else via text messaging. I think the phone is one of the greatest things that was invented. We have access to so many people all over that we wouldn't have access too if it weren't for cell phones. But spending time face to face with people is important as well. More often than not, I see students and friends who put their conversation on hold with the person they're hanging out with to text someone else. I'm all for taking important calls, but it's also important to build relationship with people face to face. One of my friends almost always turned their phone on silent when we hung out, so they wouldn't be distracted by their phone. That is always a reminder to me to build relationship through meeting with people and truly getting to know them.

Yup, that was my rant about cell phones. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Servant Leadership

I'm taking this leadership class and I've been working on the midterm for it. For some reason, the fact that it's my midterm kind of freaks me out. I literally have 100% in the class right now, but the mere fact that it is a midterm just rattles me a bit. Anyways, I've been working on it and it's been okay. But while I sit there writing it out, I can't help thinking about all of the people in the world that are hurting.

If you've read my recent posts about the justice conference you'll understand my feelings on this particular subject. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm doing this...going to school, working at church, and all of the other things I fill my time with. I know that this is where God has me and all that. But it doesn't feel like enough. There are kids in other countries being sold, there are young girls in AMERICA being sold for sex. There are people who have been tricked into slavery and cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. There are women crying themselves to sleep after they've been beaten. There are young and old who don't get to eat today. If I continue, I might get overwhelmed. But they need a voice.

I haven't had any super traumatic experience, I haven't lived in poverty. Honestly, I don't know what that's like. But I do know that they deserve to have a voice. I don't just want to start small, I need to do something about it. Not for myself, but for Him. God has put this passion on my heart for a very specific reason.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Person's A Person, No Matter How Small

Why do we so often forget that the people we work with are people too?
They aren't just our coworkers.
They aren't just friends.
But they are people.
People with stories.

All too often we forget that. We take them for granted and don't treat them as people.

The two greatest commandments:
He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind.' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Luke 10:27

As we live, we are called to a greater love and to love greatly. I know I'm not alone in this. Friends, choose to love sacrificially. Choose to love differently. Choose to love each PERSON you come in contact with. Choose to set aside your selfish desires and wants to love. Choose to love greatly. For you are greatly loved.