Prayer has always been something that I love to do. At college group on Thursday we were talking about it and like usual, we had a great controversial discussion on the subject. We were talking about the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew.
This, then, is how you should pray:
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heave. Give us today our daily bread. and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
Matthew 6:9-13
Notice all the "our's, we's, and us's" in the prayer? Prayer is something that we need to do together. Most of the time, we listen to other people's problems and tell them we'll pray for them. When, in reality, we won't really pray for them later unless we remember, which is very unlikely. Be honest, how many times have you told some random person that you would pray for them and didn't? A few years back, a pastor said the same thing to me in church and challenged me to take time right then to say a prayer for them. But then he also encouraged me to stop and pray with people in that moment that they're spilling their guts to you.
Christian's are funny, though. When you take the time to ask them if they need prayer right then they give you this funny look that says, "pray for me later, I just needed someone to talk to." I think this is a common understanding between Christians. We ask about problems, then pray later. It just makes sense in our minds. Unfortunately, though, there are so many times that God calls us to do more than possibly remember to pray for someone later.
Some of the best times of prayer that I've had are when I get to pray with someone right in that moment. You just get to sit with them and pray together. Everything is fresh in your mind and you've taken time to help that person know that you care enough to pray right then. I encourage you to do that. Try it with close friends at first, then slowly you'll be comfortable to pray with a not so close friend which will eventually lead you to praying for a random stranger...that you will never see again. But you took that moment to pray with them, simply because you let the Lord lead you.
So, I told you we talked about prayer on Thursday, but then at church today, we talked about prayer AGAIN. Talk about a God thing :)
Prayer is about relationship. When we pray, it is not to just tell God our problems and walk away, it's about building and maintaining a relationship with our Father. He is with us all the time, but how close can we truly be to God if we don't have relationship with him. And that relationship is built not on just talking to him, but listening to him as well. That's what God intended prayer to be. In church, the pastor told us that we were going to take a minute to meditate on a question that we had for him. So for about 60 seconds, the entire congregation was silent and we listened for God to speak to us. The question that we asked him was...
Lord, what do you see when you look at me?
I don't know about you, but I always have a billion and one questions for God. That has never been one of them. It made me a little uncomfortable to ask him that at first, then I just got super curious. I love hearing God speak to me, so I was super excited to hear what he had to say. Now, we were at church which means we didn't have much time to hear what he had to say. BUT, I am definitely going to ask him this question again in my own quiet time.
Prayer is relationship building. It's also a two way street. You talk, he listens. He talks, you listen. Practice it. Practice listening to God. Ask him that question. He may something that you never expected. :)